Friday, February 12, 2016

The Division goes free for all for 3 days ! ! !

Ubisoft has announced a free for all Open Beta for the upcoming Tom Clancy-isque supposedly mammoth of a game: The Division !

Alright , now thats some good news right there ! Not because I love the game already and want to play it but because , like many out there, I am unsure of what The Division holds in its slick recreation of a chaotic New York and this provides for a perfect risk free way of checking out the game.

What has many gamers divided is the RPG aspect of this game which seems like a shooter at its core. Apparently, thats not so and maybe the game is a complete opposite of what it seems and from what I have gathered from people's impressions from the closed beta, its seems like a game with shooting gameplay which is an RPG at its core. I may or may not be right and I am excited to have the opportunity to test out the game myself in this open beta. I am being optimistic here and as long as the controls are sharp, I can go with the RPG element all right.

So, make sure to mark the 16th of February on your calendars as thats when you can start downloading the Beta client which , I am sure, will be north of 20gb in size.

The beta will be Live from February 19th to 21st on PS4 and PC and February 18th to 21st on the XboxOne which gets an exclusive headstart of a day.

See Ya inside The Division mates :) !

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